Anyone who is experiencing hair loss could be a candidate Scalp Micropigmentation

29% of women develop at least 2 key symptoms of depression once they begin to lose their hair, and it's equally devastating for men. Look into solutions for this issue as early as possible because it can begin as early as 15 or 16 years of age.

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Make the Change

Scalp micropigmentation is one of the best because it's applied directly to the scalp. It creates a more natural hairline, covers thinning spots, and more. Almost anyone who is experiencing hair loss could be a candidate. 

Read our guide to learn what scalp micropigmentation is, what the process involves, and how it helps men and women combat hair loss.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?

The market for hair restoration is worth almost $13.6 billion. It includes a range of surgical and non-invasive techniques, and new methods continue to be developed as more men and women experience hair loss.

Many of the best solutions are applied directly to the root of the problem. Scalp micropigmentation is the process of adding color to the scalp in the form of hundreds or thousands of tiny dots to fill in thinning areas. 

Comparing scalp micropigmentation with hair restoration methods such as microblading and tattooing is one of the best ways to decide between these methods.

Microblading uses a single blade while micropigmentation uses a more complex electric tattoo device. Hair tattoos are purely cosmetic and only applied to the surface layer of the skin, while micropigmentation involves deeper penetration. 

The Scalp Micropigmentation Process

Knowing what to expect from scalp micropigmentation helps you decide if it's the right procedure for you. You need to know how to prepare, what to expect during the session, and the aftercare requirements.


To prepare for the procedure, be sure to shave your hair close to the scalp, avoid alcohol, and wash your scalp the day before. This will give the artist a clean area to work with and prevent bleeding.

The Session

The process is mildly painful, but numbing agents are applied to your scalp before you begin to provide relief. If you suffer from extreme psoriasis or acne, this increases the pain and may preclude you as a candidate.

A single scalp micropigmentation takes an average of 4-5 hours. The amount of time it takes depends on how much surface area you want covered. This will also affect your overall cost.

Give the pigment 30 days to fully darken to see the complete results.


There are several steps to take after scalp micropigmentation to get the best results and avoid dulling the pigment.

You may experience pain, discomfort, or an itching sensation for 2-3 days after the procedure. Resist the urge to touch, itch, or scratch your scalp. This could lead to open sores that are likely to get infected.

Avoid swimming in chlorinated water for at least 10 days. You should also avoid sun exposure and tanning for 3-4 weeks. Both of these can irritate your scalp or cause the pigment to fade.

Don't wash your head for 72 hours. Once you do, only use sulfate-free shampoo 

One scalp micropigmentation session won't cover your entire scalp, so you may to schedule follow-ups. 2-3 sessions is the average, and they need to be scheduled weeks apart to allow your scalp time to heal between them. The process is semipermanent and should last at least 8 years before requiring a touchup.

Potential scalp micropigmentation side effects resemble those you'd experience with a traditional tattoo, such as allergic reactions and infections. A skilled artist can prevent both of these issues.

Types of Scalp Micropigmentation

There are 3 types of scalp micropigmentation that address hair problems in unique ways.

One type works for receding hairlines and uses ink to restore the hairline to its natural state. It's more common for men but can also help women who want to improve the look of their hair.

Another focuses on hair density, a problem caused by thinning or lost locks. It restores areas of lost hair to create a fuller look. It's one of the most common types of scalp micropigmentation for women but can help men.

Edging up handles delicate portions of the hairline such as the temple. It cleans up the hairline but is the most difficult type and should only be performed by an experienced artist.

Scalp Micropigmentation Candidacy

There are several causes of hair loss, including:

  • Androgenic alopecia (hereditary male or female pattern baldness)

  • Alopecia areata (a disease that affects hair follicles)

  • Age

  • Cancer treatment

  • Stress

  • Poor hair care

  • Traction alopecia (hair loss from pulling on your scalp)

  • Hormonal imbalances such as polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Thyroid disease

  • Illness or infection

  • Medication side effects

  • Scalp psoriasis

  • Scarring alopecia 

A scalp micropigmentation treatment could help with any of these issues. There are several ways that the process addresses hair loss, and they all relate to its different forms and causes. 

Whichever type you choose, you can benefit from scalp micropigmentation.

The process can help men with receding hairlines and bald spots. It can also help men and women with thinning hair by filling out their scalp.

95% of male hair loss is caused by androgenetic alopecia, and 65% of chemotherapy patients experience hair loss. Scalp micropigmentation is a fitting solution for these issues. It can also hide scars on the scalp.

Speaking to a scalp micropigmentation artist is the best way to find out if you're a candidate. You're likely to be approved unless you're allergic to the pigment or have severe dermatological issues. The only way to know for sure is to ask.

Where to Get Scalp Micropigmentation

Hair loss affects both men and women in both physical and psychological ways. It can occur at any age, and there are a variety of ways to combat it.

Scalp micropigmentation covers bald spots and creates a natural hairline using a series of hundreds of thousands of dots created by dark pigments. This can combat the effects of almost any form of hair loss, from alopecia to cancer treatment. It's one of the most effective and quickest ways to restore a natural look.

Scalp Co. is one of the best centers to receive this treatment from. Get started today.

Badling, SMPGuest User